PolyGroup Inc. (USA)
Cincinnati, Ohio 45140 United States of America
- Phone : 1-877-476-5972
- E-mail : info@polygroupinc.com
- www.polygroupInc.com
Carrer del Marroc 33 11th floor 08018 Barcelona Spain
- Phone : 34 93 494 92 31
- E-mail : raul.hernandez@imcd.es
- www.imcdgroup.com
Centro Leoni - Edificio A - Via Giovanni Spadolini 5 20141 Milano Italy
- Phone : 39 02 557 09288
- E-mail : monica.corti@imcd.it
- www.imcdgroup.com
Moira Str., 19600 Industrial Area Mandra, Greece
- Phone : 30 210 5557579
- Fax : 30 210 5558482
- E-mail : neotex@neotex.gr
- https://www.neotex.gr/
Omya Australia Pty Limited (OCEANIAAUSTRALIA)
P.O. Box 3060 Eltham, Victoria 3095 Australia
- Phone : 613 9439 7276
- Fax : 613 9439 7976
- E-mail : jeffrey.coffield@omya.com
- https://www.omya.com/au-en
Omya New Zealand Ltd. (NEW ZEALAND)
Ground Floor Building 2 Central Park 666 Great South Road Greenlane, Auckland 1051 New Zealand
- Phone : 64 9 573 2958
- Fax : 64 9 573 2954
- E-mail : Kevin.Schischka@omya.com
- https://www.omya.com/nz-en
WWRC (CHINA(Shangha, Guangzhou, Tiangin, Chengdu))
Rm, 1304-1306 Shanghai Communication Commercial Tower, 218 Hengfeng Road, Shanghai 200070, China
- Phone : 86-21-5128-6800
- Fax : 86-21-5128-6811
- E-mail : general@wwrcsha.com
- wwrcsingapore@wwrc.com
WWRC (Hong Kong, Singapore, Taiwan, Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia)
No. 5 Pioneer Sector 2, Singapore 628367
- Phone : 65-6863-3788
- Fax : 65-6863-4288
- E-mail : wwrcsingapore@wwrc.com
- https://www.azelis.com/en/regions-and-locations/asia-pacific/china
Cymas Enterprises Ltd. (CANADA)
1255 Peel Street, Suite 1000 Montreal QC Canada H3B 2T9
- Phone : 1-877-532-6446
- Fax : 1-877-556-7516
- E-mail : info@cymasenterprises.com
- https://www.cymasenterprises.com/home
2111 Founder Mansion, 1122 New Jinqiao Rd., Pudong, Shanghai 201206, China
- Phone : 86-21-80197817
- Fax : 86-21-80197818
- E-mail : chenfy0910@163.com
- www.anhuitech.com.cn
PolyGroup Inc. (USA)
Cincinnati, Ohio 45140 United States of America
- Phone : 1-877-476-5972
- E-mail : info@polygroupinc.com
- www.polygroupinc.com
Lehmann&Voss&Co. (GERMANY)
Schimmelmannstr. 103 22043 Hamburg Germany
- Phone : 49 40 44 197 474
- Fax : 49 40 44 197 478
- E-mail : mike.lucka@lehvoss.de
- www.lehvoss.com
2111 Founder Mansion, 1122 New Jinqiao Rd., Pudong, Shanghai 201206, China
- Phone : 86-21-80197817
- Fax : 86-21-80197818
- E-mail : chenfy0910@163.com
- www.anhuitech.com.cn
UnivarSolutions (TÜRKIYE)
RüzgarlıBahçe Mah. Şehit Sinan Eroğlu Cad. No:3/7 Kavacık-Beykoz Istanbul 34805 Turkish
- Phone : 90 0216 681 5231
- E-mail : gamze.ates@univarsolutions.com
- www.univarsolutions.com
YS ACC (Middle East)
110-1204, 24, Guryongsan-ro, Seowon-gu, Cheongju-si, Chungcheongbuk-do, 28616, Korea
- Phone : 82-10-7361-1130
- E-mail : jhkim1130@ysacc.co.kr
- www.ysacc.co.kr